
Will sales prices sync from MYOB Advanced to WooCommerce?

Will sales prices sync from MYOB Advanced to WooCommerce?

Weka has built a WooCommerce hook to control the price available to logged in customers. The MYOB Advanced sales price endpoint, drives the price data against each WooCommerce product, essential for a B2B trade website. A typical sales price integration create two different types of pricing.

Customer role Pricing

Each customer group in WooCommerce is assigned a role based on their MYOB Advanced Price Class. An example of a customer role is Wholesaler or Trade. The Weka integration retrieves prices from MYOB Advanced and stores the data into a custom table. Our custom-built function checks for the user’s role and retrieves a price.

Customer Specific Pricing

A customer-specific price is the result of a sales price assigned to one customer account. A typical scenario is a price negotiated to win a customer contract. When the customer logs into their account and interacts with the product, they will see the price specific to their customer account.

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