
MYOB Advanced Product Data

For a smooth integration, product data needs to be set up and ready inside MYOB Advanced. All data that is required to be synced up needs to be set up correctly inside MYOB Advanced, below is a list of data that can be synced in the standard package:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Stock
  • Categories
  • Variation Attributes
  • Retail Price

For Simple Products, this is all set on the Stock Item in MYOB Advanced.

For Variable Products, this requires the use of Template Items and Matrix Items in MYOB Advanced to create the Product with its variations. The product title, Description, Categories & Attributes are set on the Template Item. The Matrix Items will contain the Stock, retail price & variation option.

For the initial setup, Weka Online can work with you and your MYOB Partner to ensure the data is set up correctly initially before the integration work commences.

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