
What product data can we sync from MYOB Advanced?

What product data can we sync from MYOB Advanced?

The Stock Item endpoint in MYOB Advanced is the source of truth for WooCommerce product data.
The title/name of the WooCommerce product is derived from the MYOB Advanced stock item's description field. You will find this under the Inventory ID.

The description tab in MYOB Advanced becomes the description in WooCommerce.

The MYOB Advanced description tab is a powerful WYSIWYG editor, meaning you can format the description.

The inventory ID of the stock item becomes the product SKU/code within WooCommerce.

We commonly use the SKU as the link between the ERP system and the eCommerce system. If an ERP stock item system ID is available, we may use this instead.

MYOB Advanced Attributes become WooCommerce product attributes.

You will find images under the attribute tab in MYOB Advanced. You can store multiple image files under the stock item, and we can bring across each image file into WooCommerce. The first image is saved as the featured image, with each additional image saved as gallery images.

With customer coding, we can display product files on the WooCommerce product page and have the product files linked to each product in the sales order email. Product files are stored against the stock item in MYOB Advanced.

The stock item sales category becomes the product category in WooCommerce. Our integration platform will link your product to each sales category set under the stock item in MYOB Advanced. For example, if you tick the sales category clothes in MYOB Advanced against the stock item AAA001, the product AAA001 in WooCommerce will have the product category clothes checked.

Using MYOB Advanced Push Notifications, any changes to a stock item's stock availability will change the stock quantity of the relative WooCommerce product. A push notification results in a live feed of data from MYOB Advanced to WooCommerce.

The retail price under the stock item in MYOB Advanced points to the regular price in WooCommerce, and the default price in MYOB Advanced becomes the special price in WooCommerce.

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